The European Commission is carrying out research into legal aid in criminal proceedings as part of the information gathering for the impact assessment to accompany the planned 2013 measure on legal aid (part of the Procedural Rights Roadmap).
If you would like to take part, please click on this link:
It's important that the research team hear from practitioners so as to get a balanced view of the way legal aid is allocated and administered in the Member States, and any problems at national or local level. So far, the researchers have sent a questionnaire to Ministries of Justice, so the information they have to date reflects the government position. The ECBA has had access to that questionnaire and Ministry of Justice replies and has concerns that the replies do not always fully reflect the situation on the ground.
It's important that the information is complemented by information from practitioners with experience of how the system actually works in practice, especially where there is a gap between the theory and the reality, so please do take the time to take part.
The study is being carried out on behalf of the Commission by CSES.